International Travel
This month I travelled to Dunedin, NZ - my first international flight since Sept 2019...
I am currently in Dunedin spending a quick week long visit with my family. I am staying with my mother and also staying here is my sister from Sydney and my niece from Canberra. We have had some entertaining discussions which is always the case when more than one Robertson is in close proximity.
I have walked with my daughter taking her greyhounds for a couple of outings in Halfway Bush & Wakari, have had some wheelchair rugby training with my son at the Edgar Centre, along with my regular if not slightly damper daily walk around the local suburbs of Anderson Bay, Shiel Hill, Waverly and Grants Braes.
My youngest daughter has a house full greyhounds and while her partner was away for a work related course in Auckland I spent a couple of evenings walking two of the dogs with her taking the other two for about an hour each evening. It was a good chance to chat about all manner of things as we walked and was time I treasure one on one. We ended up playing family Mario kart tournament with all three of my children having nintendo switch devices connected between them over the internet. Was good fun, but in typical fashion I was soundly beaten in all races.
I have also visited with my son and shared a lovely meal that he had prepared, along with a great chat about his work and other things happening with him. It was the first chance I had to see his house - he bought it last year while travel was not an option. A lovely place and he is very happy with his purchase. It was so nice to spend an evening just one on one chatting.
The reason for my trip is about seeing family, and why there is a bit of a gathering of the clan is to finally say a farewell to my eldest sibling, my sister Phiona. There have been a few tears as we plan to see her ashes laid to rest alongside those of our Dad. Hopefully the weather smiles upon us on Saturday and remains clear and dry while we are graveside. As always Robertson organisational efforts has resulted in the plan being worked out, and now all thats left to do is to make sure we thoughtfully take our respective roles on the day.
Another of my nieces spent a couple of part days at Robertson HQ with her two little ones - such cuties. It was a delight to see them for an extended period of time.
It has been nice to spend some time with mum, she is not as independent and mobile as she was the last visit and the challenge ahead will be how much longer she can stay in her own home. We have had a bit of a chat about the longer term, as her eyesight has deteriorated considerably recently and proves to be a challenge to her day to day activities. My siblings are all also concerned about her long term safety on her own, and as much as we like to see her remain in her home, it will get to a point where there will need to be a tough decision for her to move to some form of aged care.
I hope to catch up with some close friends while on this fleeting visit, but time will tell if we manage to connect this trip. Its always the challenge to try to squeeze in work, family and friends on a trip like this and always there is more to do than time available.
I miss my partner and number one cheerleader - it will be good to get back for some hugs and kisses. She misses my coffee so she says.
Travel home : take one. So at the appointed time up and with my sister Rachael in the drivers seat, we head off to Dunedin Airport for the first leg of me getting home, Dunedin - Auckland. Clear blue skies in Dunedin City, but as we got closer to the airport there was an ominous fog hanging around. "Just drop me an go" I boldly stated to my sister whom had kindly volunteered to drive me. "No, I will wait, you never know." As we pulled in to the carpark, there seemed to be a great deal more cars than one would have expected for midday flights. Turned out that the only flights had been two outbound ones that we with planes that overnighted in Dunedin. Nothing else was coming in, there fore nothing was leaving either. Time ticked by and finally all flights were cancelled. So a bit of scurrying around to see what other flights were possible in the next day or so resulting in a booking out of Christchurch the following afternoon..... at least i could be driven there and fog wouldn't be an issue. So back to mums house for another evening, finalising the plan for the following day and catching up on some now wasted day of work activities.
Travel home : take two. My very obliging sister agreed to travel to Christchurch with me and drop me off. I drove up so she could drive back. Arrived at the airport around 12:30 and she headed back, planning to grab a break on the way. I really do appreciate how amazing she is, doing this for her lil bro at short notice without hesitation. It was lovely having a drive, some valuable one-on-one time with her, she's a star. And i guess thats what makes us such a fantastic family, we are there for each other anytime there is a need. Love you my sister, always.
I had a bit of time to fill in before i could ditch my bag but now waiting to clear security and get off on the homeward leg. It will be good to be back in regular routine, and to sleep in my usual bed. I have enjoyed the visit home, catching up with everyone, but it also results in weird hours for work and waking up etc. Also proved challenging with my walking schedule, I really felt the cold while over there too.
The international departure from Christchurch was as empty as from Brisbane on the way over. There were less than 50 people on the flight and we were the last and only flight out of the international terminal at the time so it was very weird and eerie again. This will be the new normal for some time I expect.
On the plus side I picked up some duty free Gin on the way back....
And good old fb reminded me that it was 4 years ago I was travelling back from Dunedin after my Dads passing and funeral/ burial. Time flies so quickly.
My number one cheerleader is away on a well deserved girls weekend on the Gold Coast so I am home alone. Its a bit murky out so after a couple of codecracker puzzles and a couple of coffees its time to knuckle down and do some work to try to catch up on the lost days earlier in the week. Might think about how to rejuvenate the Speights Beer taps that I brought back from NZ. No Super Rugby and no NRL on this weekend only State of Origin on Sunday so might have to see what else is on the box tonight to entertain myself.
More help with Parkinson's awareness and advocacy.
Parkinson's and related research, meetings and groups are becoming more a part of my existence these days, and am making an effort to spread awareness.
I have added responsibility for running the PQI YOPD (Parkinson's Queensland Inc Young Onset Parkinson's Disease) Peer Support meeting. We are scheduled to hold these each month first Tuesday, 7pm and have a few topics lined up already. Thankfully its more of a facilitator role so most of the organisational details are handled by the PQI team.
I have been enrolled in a short course as part of PQI - Peer support to make sure that I have the tools to assist and navigate as adopted facilitator of the Young Onset Peer Group. Five weeks every Thursday from 1-4 concluded this month and was very valuable. Was interesting to see the dynamic of the group of participants adjust as the course progressed and as folk got to know each other. I am sure there will continue to be contact and support between all the coordinators / facilitators as we see what works, and what other groups do that we can bring to our group
Now over 382 days in a row without missing a daily walk. I am more rugged up this year as I seem to feel the cold more than ever
No Change to the schedule or positive impact.
Still working to make the research links page a bit more useful, it was a simple list to start with but expanding to make better use of the info in it.
Pilates on Wednesday... amazing how I can form a positive habit so quickly. Still going and still enjoying. Some new tricks and exercises to do every week. My physio Justine keep threatening new exercises - as I master some of the existing and improvements I am ready for more. I think.
Latest news is that my physio who runs the weekly session is moving on. I have gotten very accustomed to her and she tweaks my to do items as she see improvements. I am sure that the replacement will be equally as capable, but I definitely appreciate her care and attention, especially in the initial stages where I was getting to grips with what iI had to do and why. Big shout out to Justine from her "quiet achiever", all the best for your future.
PFU Boxing.
On Wednesdays I do non contact boxing at the PCYC Laing Park 11:30 - 12:30. I am one of the young ones. Really enjoying it especially without the need for masks so we can really do more boxing. Nice having the shower at work and feel awesome afterwards. Deb is awesome, doing a Parkinson's specific session.
Had to step in to facilitate the PFU social catchup this month as Madonna was out with some family drama at short notice, and the speaker also withdrew with a developing cold. Fortunately we improvised with a round the room introductions and quick outline of each persons story, then one of the team stepped up and did an impromptu session on Parkinsons' Dance and other activity options with many comments afterwards that it was a very interesting and valuable evening.
Social Outings.
Some upcoming events in the pipeline, and some great events past.
Always look forward to "Early Friday" / "Thirsty Thursday" beers with Neil, Don and Greg plus a few other random friends.
Head down and focus on delivery. Catch up is the order of the day.
Land Sailing.
Waiting for each Sunday to see what's happening at the track.... and have had a few other events happening.
Otherwise for me its still so far so good.
Same Same.
And that is all for just now - keep a lookout for the next post and thanks for tagging along!