Summer 2022 is well and truly here.
Crazy temps and humidity through the roof are the norm for the start of the month
Update from 2022-02-23 to 2022-02-27
Rain rain and more rain - over 550mm in the past few days, with the Brisbane river very full as a result and comparisons to 2011 when large areas were flooded around the city and many houses lost or uninhabitable for some months.
Even this morning (27th) there is persistent rain and thunder storm just to add to the situation
La Nina has come with rain, humidity, and heat combo that is making the grass and weeds grow like crazy. Hot enough to make gardening a short burst process in the early morning or late afternoon activity online.
House renovations.
The last phase of renovations will be floor tiles. We had made a choice, but that is subject to review now that the rest is completed. We may opt for a lighter tile similar to the existing so that we don't make the whole place too dark. There is a big area so we need to get that right. Back to the tile warehouse(s) we go.
More help with Parkinson's awareness and advocacy.
We have started the year with a meeting on line again - just a quiet chat but is very important to get the conversations going. Its so nice to see advice sought and given on things such as what works for some people and what doesn't.
Also encouraging that the base number registered for the group is slowly growing - and by that I mean that it is good to see that those diagnosed with Parkinson's are joining, not that more people are diagnosed.
Day 590 since diagnosis and day 588 of consecutive daily walking. 12 more days and that will be a nice round 600.
Day #600!! something to celebrate - my commitment to taking this condition head-on and keep strong both mentally as well as physically.
Time to reflect that I may not be able to to beat this condition in the fullness of time, but I sure as hell am not about to rollover and let it beat me by default. I am grateful for all the messages of support when I posted the milestone on my FB and here.
To quote Peter Tosh "We're gonna leave all our troubles behind. We're gonna walk and don't look back."
A challenging walk due to heavy rain all day - managed to to stay reasonably dry when a lull in the rain meant I could at least walk with coat and brolley combination. I have my stitches to keep dry and also my exercise gadget on my thigh to keep dry to complicate matters.
Another storming day - will need to read the BOM radar and aim for a lighter rain period to stay as dry as possible. I cant break my streak now, I even considered going to the local mall carpark and doing laps..... but managed a standard walk, rain and all.
Mind games.
As part of my ongoing mental stimuli, I pride my self in problem solving, doing "Code Cracker" word games, occasionally assisting my partner with Soduko and other challenges.
My partners son, Matthew upped the ante by giving me a selection of challenging puzzle books at Christmas. There was a Travel crossword book, and a Cryptic crossword book included. Having never really been into the cryptic crossword scene, it was a real challenge to get underway. The first section of the book gave some guidelines, and then right in to the "Easy Peasy" puzzles. Well I really struggled with puzzle number one - I may have only really successfully worked out two or three of the words. Somewhat humbling. But I dusted my self off and decided I was going to see if I could workout more and more of the clues with each puzzle. I am generally improving each day recording the number of correctly worked out against the number that were too tricky. As you do more, you begin to unravel the mind of the clue creator, looking for the various hints that can be the difference between "blank" and something. I am definitely enjoying the challenge of these each day, and when I do manage to complete a full puzzle I am certainly going to be not only extremely satisfied, but will let Matthew know directly. I hope that I manage to complete one while in the "Easy Peasy" section, as I am sure I will be on the back foot again when I get past that section.
Emily, my daughter has also got me on to Wordle - a daily word of 5 letters that you have 6 guesses to solve, with each guess indicating correct letters and placement for each guess. Have now got my partner Glenda on to it and the competitiveness has already begun. This has now extended to my step daughter and her boyfriend so a bit of fun all round.
Think I might crack open the card game rule book for a refresher on crib and see if I can find a willing other participant.
No Change to the schedule or positive impact. Occasionally I have an issue swallowing my thrice daily horse tablet, and so a slug of water usually does the trick.
A visit to my neurologist was confirmation that all is in order - and reassurance that my Parkinson's trajectory is long, almost flat, and slow. I am to remain on the same med regime and keep on the exercises that I am doing. All good news really.
Still working to make the research links page a bit more useful, it was a simple list to start with but expanding to make better use of the info in it.
I signed up to participate in a Parkinson's Exercise Study at UQ and had a fitness / baseline test on Monday 21st. I went through an hour of tests that included both physical and cognitive tests and some of the tests were quite interesting. First a range of movement tests, including flipping hands palms down to palms up and back and also checking to see if I could save myself if pulled over backwards. Following that was a series of cognitive tests. Then physical tests such as start sitting on a chair, stand up, walk to a line, turn , return to the chair and sit down. Then repeat while doing cognitive tests at the same time like counting down, subtracting 3 from a number. Then repeat again saying words that begin with a letter. Then carrying a cup of water. Similar walking quickly along a sensor mat of about 15 meters long. All of these timed and recorded.
After that was done, and a 6 minute walk to see distance I could cover on a 30m track back and forth (270m as is turns out) I was fitted with a device stuck to my thigh for the next 8 days ( 7 full days). The device records sitting , standing, walking each 15 seconds. I have to note what time i go to bed and what time I wake for the day. Once the recording time is over, I need to post the device and a questionnaire back.
I will then get selected to be part of the " as usual" control group or maybe get selected to undertake an exercise program in addition to the current exercises that I do. After six weeks or so I think I do another test to compare to the baseline.
I hope that my contribution is worthwhile for the researchers whom have been having a difficult and challenging time getting new recruits for their cohort especially so with the stop start due to covid lock downs etc.
Pilates is back on Saturday mornings, but I had to skip the first week back due to work and the second week the new physio Sakura is not available. Am looking forward to getting back into it. Hopefully I don't forget how to do some of the tasks when class resumes post new year.
Back in action at Pilates - was a little bit hard getting back into it with some new exercises- I have asked to get my instruction sheet printed in a bigger font so I can actually read without having to put it on the floor so I get enough clarity. Signs of getting old, but then I could wear my reading glasses I suppose. I enjoy the balance tasks and definitely find that my core is improving. I am here for the long haul. This is all for beyond now and future me will appreciate it.
Given my suspect mole removal I deferred Pilates on the Saturday this week and have thought I will move back to Wednesday evenings again. This would leave Saturdays free
PFU Boxing and more.
Non contact boxing started again on Wednesday the 16th and I very much looked forward to getting my gloves on again. Its now at the YMCA Kelvin Grove 11:00 - 11:45 so that's where I can be found. I am hoping to get some updated video footage and pictures to add to the website.
PFU Boxing continues with Deb back as the trainer. Great to have her back training us in this very important program for many Parkinson's people.
I have done the some more updates to PFU website and will be adding new images, photos and video in the coming weeks
Social Outings.
Some upcoming events in the pipeline, but all subject to lockdown conditions.
Each Thursday I am joined at about 4:30 for a couple of hours at the Ballistic Brewery Bar with my two amigos Don and Greg. Its always interesting discussing the week that was and watching the world go by. We have had some other locals 4101ers join our group in the last couple of weeks including Karen, Keith, Carston, and Fiona. Always lovely to have these guys share a beer.
All other events are subject to change at the moment and unfortunately its a case of roll with the punches and be flexible.
Head down and focus on delivery with more work coming on stream from sometimes unexpected places. Still trying to catch up and complete some exiting projects. Many new projects in the pipeline and continuing to clean up existing projects. Work in Toowoomba ongoing, with now until March all remote. I have had a steady stream of prospects so looking solid for the next few months.
Land Sailing.
Waiting for each Sunday to see what's happening at the track.... and have had a few other events happening. Weather conditions mean no sailing. bah...
Otherwise for me its still so far so good.
Same Same.
And that is all for just now - keep a lookout for the next post and thanks for tagging along!