This is a crazy time of year
Two full years since diagnosis and walking started - the great reboot of 2020.
Some exciting events happening this month including a trip to the Raglan "fly in" airshow and my sister coming to stay for a couple of nights!! This will be the first time that she has stayed with me ever so am a bit happy to be hosting!
It is also coming up to End of Financial year here in Australia, so work load goes up a notch.
Work has gone crazy
It has been so busy I am finding it difficult to keep finding time for this blog - that's a good thing I think, but I have lost some momentum on this blog.
What Research am I doing?
As many of you know I have become a bit of a research lab rat. Currently undertaking a photoreceptor directed light therapy.
More information will be in the next month post as I get into it.
Becoming an Aussie.
Yes.. A little more progress. Forms to fill and lodge. Yawn. Its a drawn out process.
More help with Parkinson's awareness and advocacy.
YOPD catch up this month was a presentation on a different form of Light Therapy research being undertaken at QUT which was fascinating. I think I will participate in this one too, as soon as my current physical activity research project concludes this month. #thisisparkinsons
On going through rain, and shine. Still haven't missed a day . New target 1000. #committed
No Change to the schedule or positive impact.
As mentioned above there is another study coming up that I will participate in - Light effect on sleep. Will keep you posted.
Pilates is back on Wednesday evenings, more challenges being set for me. It has been smaller numbers with just the two of us this last week. It was good to chat to Sakura the physio who manages the class about various things to do with the exercises and surprisingly I do work up a sweat by the time its all over.
PFU Boxing and more.
Each week there is something new for the warmup. Good to see some of the old regulars reappearing too.
Social Outings.
Lots on the calendar, regular "Thirstday" drinks with the lads are always good. You can find us at Ballistic on Montague Road from about 4:30 each week.
Head down and focus on delivery with more work coming on stream from sometimes unexpected places. Still trying to catch up and complete some existing projects. Many new projects in the pipeline and continuing to clean up existing projects. Work in Toowoomba ongoing and I have had a steady stream of prospects so looking solid for the next few months.
Land Sailing.
Waiting for each Sunday to see what's happening at the track.... and have had a few other events happening. Weather conditions mean no sailing. bah...
Otherwise for me its still so far so good.
Same Same.
And that is all for just now - keep a lookout for the next post and thanks for tagging along!