Spring is here!
The start of spring is welcome in my world. My favourite plants are beginning to show signs of flowers blooming.
What a great time of the year
I love spring time. New life everywhere. Warmer mornings for my walking. Sunrises earlier. It makes me grateful for what I am able to do and for what good health I have in spite of having Parkinson's.
No regrets
Live life with no regrets - easy to say, maybe not so easy to achieve.
I have been reflecting on my daily walks about certain events in my life and actions that I taken, things I have done, choices I have made. I am far from a perfect human. But if I had my time over again with the knowledge that I have now, what would I do differently? The answer is probably not much. Tell those people around me what they mean to me more often, that would be one thing. And that's what I have determined that I should do going forward. Talk more, not internalise. Whats going around in my head is a mystery to most, and some of it shouldn't be. I wont be broadcasting my every thought or action "Truman show" style, but will be more specifically being open about my feelings to those close to me. I cant change the past, but can change the future.
PC issues
Just my luck - the ssd in my work pc decided it had given enough and crashed unrecoverable. New PC ordered, collected and mostly configured. Mostly saved every thing to the cloud but it just takes time to reinstall everything. Ah well, shit happens no point stressing about it. Find a solution, don't dwell on the problem.
What Research am I doing?
Nothing. No scheduled research. Odd.
Becoming an Aussie.
Yes.. A little more progress. Forms to fill and lodge. Yawn. It's a drawn out process. And expensive.
More help with Parkinson's awareness and advocacy.
YOPD catch up this month was a general chit chat. #thisisparkinsons . Some very open and honest discussion from the group and a couple of newer group members contributing which was good to see. A common theme seemed to be how many are affected by anxiety. Fortunately this is not something that I suffer but I can see how much impact this has on individuals. Was also great to see that some of the group have turned a bit of a corner in terms of accepting what they are dealing with and taking positive actions to life a better life now and get some positive things done.
On going through rain, and shine. Still haven't missed a day . New target 1000. #committed
No Change to the schedule or positive impact.
Pilates is back on Wednesday evenings, more challenges being set for me. It has been smaller numbers with just the two or three of us this each week.
PFU Boxing and more.
Each week there is something new for the warmup. Good to see some of the old regulars reappearing too.
Some sad news this week as one of the boxing regulars - Bruce - passed away suddenly of a suspected stroke, aged 72. Bruce was always cheery and up for a chat, was keeping physically active and regularly showed us bruises from his goal keeping activities! I got to meet his dog last week - a jack russell. We closed our boxing session with a united cheer in memory of Bruce.
Social Outings.
Lots on the calendar, regular "Thirst-day" drinks with the lads are always good. You can find us at Ballistic on Montague Road from about 4:30 each week.
Head down and focus on delivery with more work coming on stream from sometimes unexpected places. Still trying to catch up and complete some existing projects. Many new projects in the pipeline and continuing to clean up existing projects.
Land Sailing.
Waiting for each Sunday to see what's happening at the track.... and have had a few other events happening. Weather conditions mean no sailing. bah.
Membership has taken a bit of a dip and we are still trying to establish the status of the Hamilton track. I hope to get some beach runs in if there is a chance.
Otherwise for me its still so far so good.
Same Same.
And that is all for just now - keep a lookout for the next post and thanks for tagging along!